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  • Team


    Executive Committee

    Jorge Moll

    Jorge Moll

    Jorge Neval Moll Neto graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and completed medical residency in Neurology at the same university. He has a PhD in Sciences from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He specialized in the area of cognitive neuroscience, with a postdoctoral degree in the Cognitive Neuroscience Section, NINDS, NIH, USA. His research focuses on the areas of moral cognition and behavior, neuroscience & psychology of prosocial and antisocial behavior, values and affiliative emotions. Member of the Life Sciences Council at Stanford University. Former affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he is a co-founder and member of the board of directors of the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR).
    Lattes | ORCID

    André Moll

    André Moll

    André Moll has a degree in Medicine from Faculdade Souza Marques (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), an Executive MBA in Business Administration from COPPEAD UFRJ, a postgraduate degree in Radiology from Santa Casa de Misericórdia (RJ) and an Executive MBA from The Miami Global Executive MBA for the Americas. Previously an Executive Director of Oncology D’Or and the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), he is currently a Board Member of Rede D’Or São Luiz.


    Sergio Mello

    Sergio Mello

    Sergio Mello graduated in product design with extension courses in entertainment, marketing and the third sector. He has more than 27 years of experience in communication, marketing, development of experiential platforms  and operations of large projects and events. He has served as senior executive at world-leading companies in the areas of entertainment, content and innovation. He has been working in the areas of philanthropy, science, innovation and startups for 7 years. His greatest motivation is to create, develop and work in the formation of teams in a horizontal, collaborative and humanized way. He currently participates in Pioneer Science and IDOR’s Philanthropy initiative as an advisor and senior executive in the areas of Communication, Partnerships and Operations.

    Executive Team

    Sergio Ferreira

    Sergio Ferreira

    Scientific Director

    Sérgio Teixeira Ferreira is a Professor at the Institutes of Biophysics and Medical Biochemistry at UFRJ (Brazil), Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the National Order of Scientific Merit, Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trust Latin American Program in the Biomedical Sciences. Former International Research Scholar at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Chairman of the Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Currently Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. With a degree in Chemistry, a Master’s and Doctorate in Biophysics and a Post-Doctorate in Physics, he has developed a multidisciplinary research program in biochemistry, physical-chemistry of proteins, cell biology and, in the last 25 years, Neurosciences. His main research focus is on studies of the mechanisms that lead to memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease, an area in which he is a pioneer in Latin America.
    Lattes | ORCID

    Roberta Marques

    Roberta Marques

    Director of Philanthropy

    Roberta Costa Marques is an Agricultural Engineer and holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Economics from University of São Paulo (Brazil), a postgraduate degree in Education and Inclusion from PUC-Rio (Brazil) and is a specialist in management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA). She has always acted as a manager of social organizations, having been Executive Director of Instituto Desiderata for more than 10 years. Her areas of interest are public health and education policies and her greatest motivation is to work collectively to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations. She is currently Director of Philanthropy at IDOR, collaborating with the implementation of projects in the areas of science, medical education and assistance.

    Rosiane Photo

    Rosiane Chanquini

    Communications and Philanthropy Specialist

    Rosiane Chanquini has a degree in Advertising, Marketing and Communication from Universidade Mackenzie (São Paulo, Brazil), a postgraduate degree in Business Administration and Marketing from ESPM (SP, Brazil) and a postgraduate degree in Frontiers of Neuroscience from Albert Einstein (SP, Brazil). She worked for more than 25 years at IBM Brazil in the areas of Marketing & Channels with integrated communication campaigns, business consulting, building strategic alliances, management and implementation of multidisciplinary projects. She loves and respects nature and has the belief that Education is the engine of social transformation. Her motivation is to contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty. She is a volunteer at the Brazilian NGO Casa José Coltro, which has been working for over 35 years to enhance futures through education, human development and social and professional integration. She currently works in IDOR’s Philanthropy Marketing & Communication area, which includes the Pioneer Science project.

    Administrative-Financial Team

    Leandro Ferreira

    Administrative-financial Specialist

    Tiago Sertã

    Financial Manager

    Larissa Morais

    Financial Specialist

    Paulo Renato Alves

    IT Manager

    Priscilla Penna

    Project Specialist